SA-MP Plugins & Tools

San Andreas Multiplayer (SA-MP) is a multiplayer mod for GTA: San Andreas created by enthusiasts where anyone can create server-side scripts and plugins. I used to play it a lot and I made a bunch of open-source plugins and libraries/tools:


This plugin detects when a SA-MP server crashes due to some unhandled exception and prints a stack trace along with other debugging information that can help locate and fix the issue. Additionally it detects runtime errors that occur in the Pawn virtual machine (AMX).

Made with: C++, CMake, CTest


An implementation of a just-in-time (JIT) compiler for the Pawn programming language, which is used for scripting in SA-MP.

Basically this plugin replaces the default VM interpreter with its own function that compiles Pawn bytecode (P-code) into native machine code at runtime and executes it. This can speed up the script execution significantly.

Made with: C++, x86 assembly, asmjit, CMake, CTest


Profiler allows a script developer to measure how much time is spent in each function of a script and helps analyze and optimize the code based on provided results.

It’s an instrumentation based profiler that records the start and end time of function calls by hooking into their code. Profiling statistics is saved as a table of all funcion calls groyped by function name. It can be configured to additionally generate a graph of all function calls it was able to record where nodes are colored depending on their “hotness”.

Made with: C++, CMake


GDK is a library that provides a C/C++ API for writing scripts (gamemodes) for SA-MP via plugins. It’s essentially a glue between the native plugin code and the Pawn language scripting APIs provided by the server.

Made with: C, C++, CMake, Python, Python Lex-Yacc (PLY)


An effort to patch the Pawn compiler used in SA-MP and port it to other operating systesm besides Windows, e.g. Linux and macOS.

Made with: C, CMake/CTest


Some interesting low-level hacks that one can do with the AMX assembly language in SA-MP: reading/writing arbitrary memory outside of the VM, executing native assembly code and more.

Made with: Pawn


A re-implementation of the rcon.exe program (remote server console software) that comes with SA-MP. It’s a CLI program that can be used to send RCON commands to a SA-MP server via UDP. Unlike rcon.exe it’s cross-platform, so in addition to Windows it also works on Linux and macOS.

Made with: C++, Boost


A simple code editor for the Pawn programming language. It’s written in Qt (C++), has syntax highlighting and built-in compiler support.

Made with: C++, Qt



SubHook (subroutine hook) is a library for hooking functions at runtime. Given a function address it can redirect calls to that function to another function of choice by placing a special jump instruction in the original function.

Made with: C, x86 assembly, yasm


I made some minor contributions to these projects (not anything ground-breaking):